Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Anything goes: postmodernism

If modernism is setting the rules straight; postmodernism is breaking through all the rules.
We are currently living in the postmodernism era: where uncertainty lies in everywhere, and we constantly question everything.
It's basically like a kid keep asking you WHY, and will keep pushing your buttons.
If postmodernism have a face, it would probably be like this:

Fast forward: modernism

In modernism, realism is merely a category under naturalism, as our thought and view gradually process, we came to the term 'new is always better'

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Charts, stars and sperm: the emergence of the modern world

Man is the measure of all things

We are able to classify the world into 4 categories: The World We Stand on; The World We Live in, The Invisible World, and The Evolving World.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Can you tell what it is yet? - an introduction to the theories of realism, immediacy and transparency


Realism (18th century ~19th century) is the 'close resemblance to what is real, fidelity of representation, rendering the precise details of he real thing or scene'.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Marshall Law: the world according to Professor McLuhan


Medium is the message a famous quote by Marshall Mcluhan (1911-1980), the 'medium' stands for extension of mind/body (remote-extension of arm; bicycle-extension of legs) while the 'message' stands for the effect or impact, ignoring the content in it.