noun /ˈmēdēə/ media, plural
- The main means of mass communication (esp. television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet) regarded collectively
- - the campaign won media attention
Simply put, media can be identified in all sorts of term, be it through (commonly known) television, radio, newspapers, Internet, etc... If we were to break it down, even a simple thing like a piece of paper can be viewed as a medium, provided it has messages and words written on it, because if you notch it up to another level, it can transform into newspapers, in order to transfer a message from one to another.
It can also be viewed as a term of idol. For example, a sort of idol for worshiping purposes. Statues for religion purposes, is a sort of 'medium' to link human world to the spiritual world, if you may.
I used a video of Mother Kali as an example (because I'm familiar with her due to a presentation on human sacrifice, ah, good times)As you can see, the medium I used here, is a video, to deliver the point of my message; while the medium the Hindus created, is a statue of Mother Kali that links/reminds them of the religious/historical mythology, hence, become a center/core that transfer things from one end to another.
noun /ˈkəlCHər/ cultures, plural
- The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively
- - 20th century popular culture
- A refined understanding or appreciation of this
- - men of culture
- The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group
- - Caribbean culture
- - people from many different cultures
- The attitudes and behavior characteristic of a particular social group
- - the emerging drug culture
- The cultivation of bacteria, tissue cells, etc., in an artificial medium containing nutrients
- - the cells proliferate readily in culture
- A preparation of cells obtained in such a way
- - the bacterium was isolated in two blood cultures
- - this variety of lettuce is popular for its ease of culture
- Culture, can be viewed as identity, further categorized into civilizations, regional, national and communities, which can be sum up under time, size and space. It can also be translated into achievements, such a The best of the best, a.k.a. the elite, it can be put as a status, a group of people which formed such an ideal or perception of what things should be or should not be. And hence, this culture, will be passed down from one generation to another, further creating a belief that even us still practice it today.
Good ol' History, I mean, who doesn't know it? We've all suffered through this subject when we were in school.
Basically, history is a list of event that had happened in the past, and should be a fact with prove. If there aren't any proof to back it up, the history will just remain as a mythology, or a legend.
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