Sunday, July 31, 2011

Two sides to everything (and a bit in the middle): structuralism

If you have OCD, you would probably be able to associate yourself with this term. Structuralism, is the love of categorizing and structuring things, combining linguistics, narratology and anthropology.

In fact, you may even have a sense of I see what you did there when you observe of how things have their certain obvious pattern and formula:

notice these movies are a popular hit? That can be further explained by the clear binary opposition inculcated within the movie. Binary opposition is the clear distinction between good and bad, like so:

Princess X Stepmother
Prince X Dragon
Castle X Cave
Light X Dark
God X Satan
...and so on

However, it is interesting to note that good story often rises from the 'Grey area', namely Shrek, and Mean Girls which screw with your old belief that ugly=bad, pretty=good. In today's society, perhaps it's due to overly obsession towards physical beauty, everyone resort to plastic surgery and all, makes one to wonder: is external beauty means everything?

Shrek trailer

Mean Girls trailer